Rode PSA 1 Studio Arm - Don't use the microphone arm only for the microphone. How to shoot vertically using a microphone arm



This is Rookie Talk.

Today, I made a video of the previous microphone arm RODE PSA1 studio arm unboxing and usage reviews.

It's already been over two years since I used it, so I think I've used it enough.

I also organized the methods used for vertical shooting.

Hope you had nice day today.

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There are Korean and English subtitles. 

You can watch it by selecting the subtitle view.


If you have a question please send to this email address.


I also organized the contents of the Crazy Pigling and Rookie Talk YouTube channel.

You can click on the link below.

Rookie Talk :

Crazy Pigling :

#RodePSA1StudioArm #VerticalShot #RookieTalk

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