SHURE SM7B vs MV7 - Best microphone available in a wide variety of environments


 Today, I reviewed the Shure MV7 that many people are using.

If you were curious about the comparison between this product and SM7B, please watch it until the end.

The sound has not been modified, so please turn up the volume and wear earphones or headphones.

In the computer connection test, SM7B has a low input level, so it has been raised by 5dB.

I can hear the circulator noise, so please refer to it.

I hope you enjoy the video and help you choose. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please leave them in the comments below.

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There are Korean and English subtitles. 

You can watch it by selecting the subtitle view.


If you have a question please send to this email address.


I also organized the contents of the Crazy Pigling and Rookie Talk YouTube channel.

You can click on the link below.

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